The contents of this website are provided for general informational purposes only and may or may not be correct, current or complete at the time of reading. The contents of the site do not constitute legal advice. Transmission of the information to and from this site does not create, and the receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship between the sender and/or receiver and O’Leary Law Firm, LLC. The newsletters and articles on this website are offered only for general informational and educational purposes. They are not offered as and do not constitute legal advice or legal opinions. You should not act or rely on any information contained in this website without first seeking the advice of an attorney.
If you contact us through this website or otherwise in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you, your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential. The transmission of an email request for information does not create an attorney-client relationship and you should not send us via email any confidential information or facts relating to your legal problem or question. Information sent to this firm via this website or through email may not be secure. An attorney-client relationship can only be created by the mutual assent of both parties and only after a consultation.
In some jurisdictions, portions of this website may be considered advertising material. The hiring of an attorney is an important decision, and should not be based solely upon written information about our qualifications and experience. This site may contain descriptions of our legal experience and outcomes of certain prior matters. Our descriptions are not intended to promise future results or guarantee a similar outcome. The attorneys of O’Leary Law Firm, LLC are only licensed to practice in the State of Illinois. The attorneys of O’Leary Law Firm, LLC have represented clients in states other than Illinois only under circumstances permitted by law and do not regularly practice in states other than Illinois. This website does not constitute an offer to represent clients in Illinois or any other state. The Supreme Court of Illinois does not recognize certifications of specialties in the practice of law and any use of the terms “certified,” “specialist,” “expert” or any similar terms in any certificate, award or recognition received by the attorneys of O’Leary Law Firm, LLC is not a requirement to practice law in Illinois.